

Mama goes here


Playful website that portraits parents of diverse creative and cultural backgrounds about their holidays.



worked with

Carlos van Ree :: Valesca van Waveren :: Vala van den Boomen
[yellow_box][two_columns_one]Carlos is a father of two little girls and as a parent he had had a firsthand experienced of how you end up with no time, extreme sleep deprivation and an entirely new wishlist when it comes to a ‘stress free’ holiday… Parents should help parents: in order to safe time and disappointments, he wanted to interview parents about their ideal holiday and let them share three of their favourite places.[/two_columns_one][two_columns_one_last]Working with Carlos has been great and we will continue to improve the website on a regular basis. It has already boomed with more and more visitors each day and fills the niche of curated holidays perfectly.[/two_columns_one_last][/yellow_box]

Great usability, a happy feeling when browsing, flowing from one story to the other: Mama goes here posed many challenges; it often took me longer to think about the logic behind the website than the actual design or development. But it was worth it…

snippet of the homepage

Website Mama goes here home | Mimimou

the whole homepage

Mama goes here Homepage by Mimimou

holiday page

Mamagoeshere holiday page by Mimimou

parents’ page

Mamagoeshere parents interview page by Mimimou

or just have a look yourself here!